212 N. JACKSON ST, Starkville, MS 39759

212 N. JACKSON ST, Starkville, MS 39759
212 N Jackson St, Starkville, MS 39759, USA
Sold $219,900.00 - Commercial
MLS #17-1416 2700 Sq Ft

OWNER FINANCE OPTION. Agent-Owned 1.2 acre Commercial Property. Development / Business Opportunity, just ‘steps’ from Downtown. Visible from Main Street and Hwy 182, across from Family Dollar, Adjacent to Subway and Shell Gas Station. House has no value. Boundaries 390′ x 135′. Suitable for C-2 usage, business. Owner willing to cooperate with rezoning. OWNER FINANCING OPTION.

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Agent Dorothy Watson

Watson Dorothy

I grew up in Long Island, New York. Great place to call home, but it was cold for an outdoor…
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