2003 Pinoak Dr, Starkville, MS 39759

2003 Pinoak Dr, Starkville, MS 39759
2003 Pin Oak Dr, Starkville, MS 39759, USA
Sold $156,900.00 - Residential, Single Family Home
MLS #17-545 1728 Sq Ft 3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 2 Garages
Nice New Roof protects this loved and cherished home. 3/4BR and 2BA, updated kitchen w gas range, stainless. Granite baths, tiled tub and shower. Includes wide open kitchen / dining living with breakfast bar, extra 4th guest room, hobby, bonus, mancave. Backyard has extra large patio, storage, treehouse and dogpen. CuTe inside and out. Convenient to Hwy 12, Walmart and campus.

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Agent Dorothy Watson

Watson Dorothy

I grew up in Long Island, New York. Great place to call home, but it was cold for an outdoor…
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